Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Weave Walker

Shaco: This is the class I was thinking of (not Nightblade). It's essentially an arcane Nightcrawler with no sneak attack. *cough* Posted it in the wrong forum. Looked like player blah blah blah something something. :P

Weave Walker


This is a 30 level base class. You may not take any other classes.

Class Features

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Fort, Ref
Weapon proficiency: Simple and Bard.
Armor proficiency: Light armor.

Class Skills: Appraise, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Disable Device, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Open Locks, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble, and Use Magic Device
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Poison Use, Light or Dark, Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight
Level 2: Lesser Breach
Level 3: Least Spell Mantle
Level 4: Mark, Recall, Armor of the Weave
Level 5: Teleport Bomb (Entangle)
Level 6: Protection of the Weave, Insightful Strike
Level 7: Teleport Jump
Level 8: Accelerated Movement
Level 9: Lesser Spell Mantle
Level 10: Poison Immunity, Teleport Bomb (Explosive)
Level 11: Improved Evasion
Level 12: Greater Breach
Level 13: Defensive Roll
Level 14: Teleport Gate
Level 15: Spell Mantle, Teleport Bomb (Weakening)
Level 16: Improved Uncanny Dodge
Level 17:
Level 18:
Level 19:
Level 20: Teleport Bomb (Disruptive)
Level 21: Greater Spell Mantle
Level 22: Disjunct
Level 23: Bonus Epic Feat
Level 24: Combat Insight
Level 25: Teleport Bomb (Weakening Explosive)
Level 26: Bonus Epic Feat
Level 27:
Level 28:
Level 29: Bonus Epic Feat
Level 30: Teleport Bomb (Entangling, Weakening, Explosive)

Light or Dark - You choose the Weave or the Shadow Weave as your source of power. You gain a bonus to Dodge AC equal to your Int modifier.
Lesser Breach - 30s cooldown.
Greater Breach - 30s cooldown (replaces Lesser Breach).
Disjunct - 30s cooldown.
Least Spell Mantle - 60s cooldown.
Lesser Spell Mantle - 60s cooldown (replaces Least Spell Mantle).
Spell Mantle - 60s cooldown (replaces Lesser Spell Mantle).
Greater Spell Mantle - 60s cooldown (replaces Spell Mantle).
Mark - 60s cooldown. Allows you to set a safe location for teleporting.
Recall - 60s cooldown. Allows you to safely escape to a set location, as long as it is in the same area.
Protection of the Weave - Grants 14 + CL spell resistance, bonus to saves equal to your Con modifier.
Armor of the Weave - Grants +1 Armor Enhance, Deflection, and Shield Enhance for every 6 additional levels (+2 at 10th, +3 at 16th, +4 at 22nd, and +5 at 28th).
Teleport Bomb (Entangle) - As Entangle, use Int for DC
Accelerated Movement - 33% move speed buff
Teleport Jump - Instantly move to any spot, L range (~35-40m) (30s cooldown)
Teleport Gate - You and all allies within 30' move to any spot, L range (~35-40m)  (5 minute cooldown)

My custom content ideas are covered under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ and requires my permission to be altered. Please note the No Derivatives marking.  

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